The Black Business Alliance of Chapel Hill-Carrboro

- To build relationships between and among local Black business leaders
- To strengthen and support local Black-owned businesses by connecting them to resources, information, and customers
- To give a strong collective voice for Black business leaders
Mission: "To convene, engage, and empower Black business owners and leaders to support the growth of a thriving Black business community."
Customer Promise:
- The Black Business Alliance strengthens my business network;
- The Black Business Alliance improves my access to the resources I need to be successful; and
- The Black Business Alliance connects me to customers and clients
Membership: Black-business owners, Senior Black leadership of local employers, and retired Black business leaders
Affiliated Businesses: Local Enterprises with Black ownership or local Black leadership
Geography: Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area
Governance: 12-Member Leadership Council (seats are available)
La-Tasha Best-Gaddy, Owner -Infinity Bridges
Council Members
Delores Bailey, Executive-Director, Empowerment, Inc
George Battle, Vice Chancellor, Institutional Integrity and Risk Management – UNC Chapel Hill
Donna Bell, Co-Owner, Congruence Counseling (former Chapel Hill Mayor Pro Tem)
Barbara Jessie-Black, CEO, CommunityWorx
Anna Richards, Realtor, (Retired Boeing Executive and Former Chair, Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP)
Staff Support: Taylor Gay, Business Success Navigator & Torree Theodore, Community Impact Specialist