The Chamber's Election Hub is your one-stop shop for information about who and what is on your ballot and where and when to vote.
November 7, 2023 was Election Day and voters casted their ballots in municipal and school board races. In Orange, Durham and Chatham Counties, the 2023 election included the mayors and governing boards of Carrboro, Cary, Chapel Hill, Durham, Goldston, Mebane, Pittsboro, and Siler City as well as the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education. The Chamber and the Carrboro Business Alliance conducted candidate surveys to reveal candidate positions on issues that matter to the local business community.
Chapel Hill Mayor
Carrboro Mayor
Carrboro Town Council (3 Seats Available)
Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education (4 Seats Available)
The following is a list of the candidates who have filed and we have noted those who have been reported by others to have withdrawn.
- Ashton Powell (2.13%)
- Solomon Gibson III (1.46%)
- Michelle Rissling (1.02%)
- Hasan Abdullah *withdrawn*
- Madison Garcia *withdrawn*
- Lauren Kelly *withdrawn*
- Scott McConnell *withdrawn*
- Linda Mensing-Triplett *withdrawn*
- Renee Peet *withdrawn* (still received 1.03% of the vote)
Hillsborough Mayor
Hillsborough Board of Commissioners (3 seats available)
Pittsboro Mayor
Pittsboro Board of Commissioners (3 seats available)
- John Bonitz (26.56%)
- J.A. (Jay) Farrell (24.33%)
- John Foley (21.44%)
- Allen B. Wilson (15.67%)
- C.P. Stewart (9.02%)
- Kali Korey (2.65%)
Important Election Update!
Photo ID will be required when voting in North Carolina, starting with municipal elections this fall. Registered voters who do not have an acceptable form of identification for voting purposes can get a free photo ID from the Orange County Board of Elections office. Its office is located at 208 S Cameron Street in Hillsborough and open Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm. This photo ID does not have to have your current voter registration address, it must just prove your identity.
Which photo ID can be used to vote? Any of the following that is unexpired or expired for one year or less:
- North Carolina Driver’s License
- U.S. Passport/U.S. Passport Card
- College/University IDs approved by NCSBE including:
- UNC Chapel Hill (student and employee IDs)
- Duke University (student voter ID Card)
- Durham Tech (student ID)
- NC Central University (student and employee IDs)
- North Carolina ID (“non-operator ID”), from the NC DMV
- NC Voter Photo ID card, issued by a county board of elections (available soon)
- Charter school employee ID approved by NCSBE
- State/local government employee ID approved by NCSBE
- A driver’s license/non-driver ID from another state, DC, or US territory (only if voter is registered in NC within 90 days of election)
Election Timeline
- Oct. 19, 2023: One-stop, in-person early voting period begins
- Oct. 31, 2023: Deadline for civilians to submit an absentee ballot request form
- Nov. 4, 2023: One-stop, in-person early voting period ends at 3 p.m.
- Nov. 7, 2023: Election Day (6:30am-7:30pm) and civilian absentee ballot return deadline (5:00pm)
When and How
Visit the NC State Board of Elections for quick search engines to find your polling place (Election Day Polling Place Search). There are three ways to vote in North Carolina:
- Vote by mail. There is no special circumstance or reason needed to vote by mail in NC, but you must have requested a ballot before the 5 p.m. Tuesday, October 31, 2023 deadline.
- Vote in-person during early voting. This will take place from October 19, 2023 - November 4, 2023 with multiple voting site options and times as well as same-day voter registration.
- Vote in-person on Election Day, which is Tuesday, November 7, 2023.
About The Chamber's Election Engagement
Chamber Activation: The Chamber engages in Primary and General Elections to ensure Chamber members and friends have the information they need about the candidates and the process before they cast their votes.
- Annually, The Chamber activates the Election Hub, which is a one-stop shop to share timely election information, and hosts Coffee with the Candidates (part of the Critical Issues Series).
- When relevant, The Chamber conducts candidate surveys to reveal candidate positions on issues that matter to the local business community. Past candidate surveys: Orange County Commissioners 2020, 2018; Chapel Hill Town Council 2021, 2019; 2017; and Carrboro Town Council 2021, 2019, and 2017.
- Previously (from 2017-2020), The Chamber coordinated the (un)forum to share candidate videos and connect candidates with Chamber members. Past (un)forums: 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017.
Contact: For questions about the Chamber's election activation, contact Chamber President and CEO Aaron Nelson. For additional election information, contact your County Board of Elections (Orange County, Chatham County, and Durham County) and/or the NC State Board of Elections.