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2025 Leadership Chapel Hill-Carrboro Registration is Open!

Leadership Class of 2022 at The Siena Hotel in Chapel Hill. Photo by Trevor Holman Photography.


Leadership Class of 2022 during the guided bus tour through Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro.

About Leadership Chapel Hill-Carrboro


What: Leadership Chapel Hill-Carrboro is an immersive personal and professional development program designed to inform, connect, and engage experienced and future leaders in the Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro community. 

Who: Participants are experienced or emerging leaders who live and/or work in our region and share a desire to promote a Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro.  Hallmarks of participants include a commitment to community service, a passion for learning, and a willingness to serve in key volunteer leadership roles. 

Why: Participants broaden their understanding of issues and opportunities facing the region, refine their leadership skills, make important connections, and deepen their influence through ongoing networking and service opportunities. 

How: A cohort-based learning experience with dozens of panels, tours, and workshops over the summer. Leadership combines presentations, experiential learning activities, and facilitated dialogue to help participants better understand key issues in our region related to the economy, government, education, health, economic development, and the environment. 

More: To learn more about Leadership 2025, listen to recent Leadership Graduates share reflections on the program (2022 Leadership Program and Amanda Casella Testimonial).

"Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example."

(Cory Booker)

"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality."

(Warren Bennis)

"You don’t have to be in charge to lead."

(Anne Sweeney)

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."

(John C. Maxwell)

Requirements & Schedule

To successfully complete the program, earn a certificate, and become a Leadership Fellow, participants must do three things:

  1. Attend all sessions (up to two excused absences permitted with completion of make-up assignments).
  2. Complete the Community Passport (an individual checklist of community activities, such as taking public transportation, attending a public meeting, participating in a patrol ride-along, and hosting a dinner prepared with local ingredients).
  3. Complete Small Miracles (a team-based project through which the cohort collectively selects an area nonprofit organization and implements a fundraising plan to meet relevant organizational needs.

Schedule: Leadership 2025 includes ten session over nine months usually Thursdays from 8am-5pm. The following is the 2025 schedule, but topics and times are subject to change.

      • Session 1: Kickoff - June 5th from 5pm-7:30pm  
      • Session 2:  Experiential Learning at Triangle Training- June 12th  
      • Session 3:  Community History and Governance - July 17th  
      • Session 4:  Arts, Tourism and Justice - Thursday, Aug. 14th 
      • Session 5:  Human Services and Affordable Housing - Sept. 11th
      • Session 6:  The University and Health Care System - Oct. 9th  
      • Session 7:  Economic and Community Development - Nov. 13th 
      • Session 8:  Education and Workforce Development - Dec.11th 
      • Session 9:  Community Impact - Jan. 8th 
      • Session 10: Graduation - Tuesday, Feb. 12th from 5:00pm - 8:00pm  

“Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.” (Tom Peters)

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."

(Abraham Lincoln)

"The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority."

(Kenneth Blanchard)


Enrollment Fee:

  Non-member      Chamber Member 
Before April 23rd



May 23rd or later 



What’s Included:  Access to places not open to the public, intimate discussions with top civic, campus and business leaders, meaningful connections with two dozen or more fellow leaders, all lunches, some breakfasts, and lots of snacks and coffees.  

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations before the early bird registration date of Friday, April 23rd are fully-refundable. Cancellations until the final registration deadline of Friday, May 23 are 50% refundable. Cancellations after the registration deadline are not refundable but deferment may be an option in the case of an emergency.

Discounts: Chamber Major Investors are entitled to discounts. Community Champions and Community Investors receive $875 off; Community Builders and Community Leaders receive $450 off.

Partial Scholarships: The Chamber does not want finances to be a barrier to your learning journey. A limited number of partial scholarships are available. To be considered for a scholarship to complete this brief (5-question) scholarship application webform – Leadership Chapel Hill-Carrboro 2025 Scholarship Application

Registration: Register now for Leadership 2025. Those who enroll commit to the participation and payment requirements and, given the time commitment, must verify the full support of their employers.

Leadership Program 2024
Leadership Program 2024
Learn More about Leadership Chapel Hill-Carrboro


Background: Since 1985, Leadership Chapel Hill-Carrboro has offered an annual series of cutting-edge sessions to current and emerging regional leaders. Leadership supports the exploration of multiple perspectives in a safe and respectful environment. Participants build their personal and professional networks as they turn knowledge into action and leverage resources for the benefit of the community and its people. Leadership is managed by The Chamber’s Partnership for a Sustainable Community and is designed to develop a continual pool of leadership talent for Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro.

Sponsor: Become a sponsor of Leadership (opportunities available from $800-$5,000). For questions about sponsorship, contact Chamber Director of Programs and Member Engagement, McKenzie Steagall.

Contact: For questions about the Leadership journey, content, participation, logistics, fees, and scholarships, contact Gregory Raymond.

"Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall." (Stephen Covey)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." (John Quincy Adams)

"People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision."  (John Maxwell)